Gaining Access Through Education, Work, and Yielding Stability

Happy Student at His Graduation Day

Welcome To GATEWAYS!

GATEWAYS is an education based-housing program that stands for "Gaining Access Through Education Work And Yielding Stability." At Los Angeles Southwest College, we believe in the power of education to transform lives. We understand that sometimes life throws us challenges that can make it difficult to focus on your studies. The GATEWAYS Program is here to equip you with the resources and information you need to overcome housing insecurity or homelessness and build a stable foundation for success.

Check out our flyers:

If you are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity, please follow the steps below to receive assistance.

The GATEWAYS Housing program staff assists LASC students by finding resources in the community for unhoused students who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.

To see if you qualify, please complete the GATEWAYS Intake Form: GATEWAYS Housing Intake Form Please also ensure that you enter your LASC/LACCD email correctly as well as your student ID number.

We review the housing intake forms every Tue and Thu, please give us time to review the information in your form and we will set up a face-to-face Zoom or an in-person meeting. If you are not contacted within 1 week, please reach out to @email.

We have hired Jovenes to work with you on your housing needs. Once you have been assessed by GATEWAYS at LASC, please refer ALL housing related questions directly to Jovenes.

Once you fill out the GATEWAYS Housing Intake Form and are deemed eligible for the program, the LASC Campus Peer Navigator will reach out to you. Thereafter, you will be referred to our housing partners at Jovenes to find a housing solution for you.

Please contact us at any time for your NON-HOUSING basic needs such as; laptops, hotspots, food insecurity, clothing, transportation, emergency book stipends, or school supplies.Students in the GATEWAYS program are required to meet with Mrs. Green 3 times over the semester for academic assistance along the way including; Graduation Petitions, SAP (Financial Aid) Appeal, Student Educational Plans (SEP), Adding & Dropping classes, and transfer assistance in order to remain in the housing program.

  • Rachelle Thomas-Green, the Coordinator for the GATEWAYS Housing program, and Joni Collins, the Resource Specialist are here to assist you with your academic and basic needs (housing, clothing, food, technology, etc). Mrs. Green is also a counselor dedicated to LASC students in the GATEWAYS Housing program.
  • Students in the GATEWAYS program are required to meet with Mrs. Green 3 times over the semester for academic assistance along the way including; Graduation Petitions, SAP (Financial Aid) Appeal, Student Educational Plans (SEP), Adding & Dropping classes, and transfer assistance in order to remain in the housing program.

Please see the resource link here: for immediate links to resources at LASC.

Fresh Desk Hotline

Office Hours

Mondays & Wednesdays: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 12:00PM - 6:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed ​


Get answers to your LASC questions!
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 274-1680