School of Science at LASC

Campus Construction

Campus Construction

Enjoy Our Dramatic Transformation

Los Angeles Southwest College has experienced a remarkable makeover in recent years thanks to four voter-approved bond measures that have impacted the entire Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). These bond measures include Proposition A ($1.245 billion) in 2001, Proposition AA ($980 million) in 2003, Measure J ($3.5 billion) in 2008, and Measure CC ($3.3 billion) in 2016.

LACCD’s Building Program seeks to modernize and renovate the nine colleges in the district to provide students, faculty, and staff with facilities that support excellence in education and, in turn, prepares them to succeed in the 21st Century economy.

Learn More About Our New Look

To learn more about the construction and renovation projects at LASC, visit the BuildLACCD webpage.

Administrative Services Vice President

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Cox Annex, Room 143


Arnold Blanshard, Vice President, Administrative Services
Phone: (323) 241-5467