Los Angeles Southwest College Building

Business Office

Business Office

Welcome To The Business Office!

We offer many valuable student financial services to students the Business Office. Here you can pay your enrollment and student fees, receive refunds, review and ask questions about fees, account holds, and fee waivers.

Further information about fees and fee waivers are listed below the price guide, as well as information on how to pay your fees, receive a refund, and who to contact if you have questions.

Before visiting Business Office, please sign into our virtual Qless queue using the following link.

Mandatory Student Fees Enrollment: $46 per unit

Health Services: Summer 2021 is $16.00 per intersession

Effective fall 2020, the Student Health Fee will be as follow:

  • $19 for Fall and Spring term
  • $16 for Winter/Summer term

ASO Representation Fee: $2 per semester

*Enrollment fees are subject to change per State of California legislation

Out-of-State Tuition (students outside California): $342.00 per unit

International Tuition (foreign students): $342.00 per unit

International Medical Insurance Fee – Fall / Spring: $742.08 per term

International Medical Insurance Fee – Summer: $371.04 per term

International Medical Insurance Fee – Winter: $247.36 per term

General Student Parking Permit – Fall / Spring: $20.00 per term

General Student Parking Permit – Winter / Summer: $7.00 per term

Associated Student Organization – Fall / Spring: $7.00 per term

Associated Student Organization – Winter / Summer: $3.00 per term

Official Regular Transcripts*: $3.00

Official Rush Transcripts**: $10.00

* Official Regular Transcripts: Allow 3-5 business days processing time
** Official Transcripts – RUSH: Same-day processing time


Question: I just received a letter from LA Southwest College advising me of outstanding fees owed and that I had 30 days to pay the outstanding balance, or my account would be sent to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Why did I get this letter?
Answer: The letter was to formally notify you of amounts owed to LACCD, and that LACCD is participating in the California Community Colleges, Chancellor's Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP). Past due accounts will be submitted by LACCD to COTOP for a tax offset. LACCD must send out a “due process” collection letter informing the debtor that an offset will occur unless payment is made or that information is received showing the debt to be in error. The letter is sent to the student’s last known address at least 30 days before the debtor data is submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office. This is to allow time to question the debt and/or pay the college before the tax offset process begins through the Franchise Tax Board.

Q: I am disputing the balance due to a disagreement with my student record (drop date, did not register, did not attend, incorrect residency)
A: Any disagreement of student record must be taken up with campus Admissions and Records office.

Admissions and Records has a formal process (petition) that students can use to address their disagreement of the student record. Admissions & Records can be reached via email at @email.

Q: I am disputing the balance due to a disagreement with my student financial aid (BOGG waiver, FA Overpayment)
A: Any disagreement of student financial aid must be taken up with campus Financial Aid office.

Financial Aid Office can review their records to determine if a student has financial aid for a specific time period. Financial Aid can be reached via email at @email.

Q: I am disputing the balance due to a disagreement with my VA benefit.
A: Any disagreement of VA benefit must be taken up with campus Veterans Resource Center.

Veterans Resource Center can review their records to determine if a student has been certified to receive VA benefit payment to cover student fees for a specific time period. Veterans Resource Center can be reached via email at @email.

Q: I am not disputing the balance and wants to pay. I am not able to pay the full amount at once and want to enter into a payment arrangement.
A: Formal COTOP payment arrangements are not available at this time. Students can make installment payments that is manageable for them. COTOP referral will occur in November. Students may request formal payment arrangements as the calendar crosses into November. All COTOP payment arrangement requests will be reviewed by VP Admin. Services on a case by case basis.

Q: I am not disputing the balance and want to pay. How can I make payment?
A: Due to the pandemic, the best way to make payment is online using the Peoplesoft student portal. The student portal can be reached by visiting: https://mycollege.laccd.edu

Q: I am not disputing the balance and want to know the student fee breakdown. How can I find this information?
A: The breakdown of student fees can be to found on the online Peoplesoft student portal. The student portal can be reached by visiting: https://mycollege.laccd.edu

Parking Permits are required at all times – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • There will be a one-week grace period during the first week of each semester. After the first week of each semester, parking citations will be issued on vehicles that do not properly display a valid parking permit.
  • Students who park in faculty and staff parking spaces will be cited. This includes the 30-minute lot off of Denker Ave. and the 30-minute parking stalls on the north side of the School of Career & Technical Education (SoCTE) building which parallels Imperial Highway.
  • Daily parking permits can be purchased from parking kiosk machines found in Lots 3, 4, & 8 for $2.00.
  • Semester parking permits can be purchased in person at the Business Office or you can purchase them online and pick them up at the Business Office 24 hours after the purchase.

Pay In Person
Students can pay in person by visiting Business Office. Business Office staff can assist students with processing in person payment at Window Service 1.

Before visiting Business Office, please sign into our virtual Qless queue using the following link.

Pay Online
Pay your fees and parking permit online via the Student Information System.

Learn how to pay for student fees online here.

Learn how to pay for parking online here.

All California community colleges have the same base enrollment/tuition fee per unit for both residents and non-residents.

Some students qualify for a fee waiver which is when the tuition fees are reduced or completely removed. To see if you qualify for a fee waiver, visit the Financial Aid Office to review all of LASC’s financial aid programs.

Our Student Information System will automatically generate student refunds, so there is no need for you to request a refund.

If your fees were paid with a credit card, your refund will be shown as a credit to the credit card you used to originally pay your fees. If you paid your fees with cash or a check, we will send you a check with your refund amount.

If you have any questions about your refund, please contact our Office at (323) 241-5301.

Q - Will I be dropped if I cannot pay the student fees?
A - As of Fall 2017, students will not be dropped from classes if payment is not made. However, a HOLD will be placed on your student account. Going forward LACCD will review and decide whether to implement “Pay to Stay” (Drop from classes if full payment is not made). Students will receive an email communication to inform if and when “Pay to Stay” is implemented.

Q - I have a Financial Aid Overpayment hold on my account, what do I do?
A - There are two types of Financial Aid Overpayment. B16(6) hold and B18(Q) hold. B16 hold is a Financial Aid Overpayment owed to the college. This balance can be found on the online student portal. Payment can also be made via the online student portal.

B18 hold is a Financial Aid Overpayment owed to the Department of Education. This balance cannot be found on the online student portal. Payment can be made via the online student portal. Afterward, the payment is forward to the Department of Education.

Q - I dropped my classes on time, but I still owe fees?
A - Please check with Admissions and Records, to make sure the drop date occurred before the deadline date. If the classes were dropped on time, the student will receive a refund. For payments made with debit/credit card, the refund will be sent back to the original debit/credit card that was originally used to make payment. For payments made with cash/check, a student refund check will be issued.

Q - I did not receive my Financial Aid, and BankMobile Disbursements advised me to contact the Business Office
A - Business Office can assist students in determining their BankMobile Disbursements status. There are 5 status markers that need to be cleared before a student can receive a financial aid refund:

  • BioDemo file submission
  • Accept/ Reject BioDemo file
  • Personal Code/Instant Code Issuance
  • Student creating BankMobile Disbursements profile (Personal Code/Instant Code required)
  • Financial Aid Disbursement

Business Office can only assist students with the first three status markers. Financial Aid Office can assist with the last status marker.

Q - Why do I have charges on my account since I am still in High School? How can I correct my record and how long will my profile be updated?
A - Students that are currently in high school and are attending LASC classes, need to submit a high school waiver form(K-12 form). After the high school waiver form is complete, the form can be turned into LASC Admissions and Records. LASC Admissions and Records will process the form in the same day of submission. Afterward, the student account balance will reflect a high school student waiver.

Q - Why do I have to pay for Health, Rep and ASO fees?
A - Health fee is a mandatory fee. The health fee is accessed when a student attends an in-person or online class. ASO and Rep fees are not mandatory fees. These fees can be opted out prior to the start of the term. Opt out is done via the online student portal.

Q - How do I access my 1098-T form?
A - Starting January 2019, students can access their 1098-T form via Peoplesoft student self-service portal. Students will need to register with HeartLand ECSI in order to access their 1098-T. LACCD retains 1098-T for only two prior years. Prior year 1098-T can also be accessed HeartLand ECSI.

Business Office staff will be working on campus throughout the weekday.

Business Office is also available virtually. If you have questions regarding your student account, please send an email to @email.

Business Office staff can also be reached via phone call, Monday - Friday. If you have questions regarding your student account, please call (323) 241-5301.

Business Office

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 10:00AM - 2:00PM and 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Virtual Hours
Mondays to Fridays: 1:00PM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, Room 103


Jason Zhu, Senior Accountant
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5301