Child Development Center Building

LASC Child Development Center

Pre-enrollment Application- English
Pre-enrollment Application- Spanish
CDC Parent Handbook- English (revised 7.26.24)
CDC Parent Handbook- Spanish (revised 7.26.24)

Welcome to Los Angeles Southwest College-Child Development Center (LASC-CDC) where we offer Early Education services for families with children 12 months – 4 years of age. 

LASC-CDC was established (in conjunction with our other eight sister campuses) to provide early care and education services to student-parents while attending Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC). The California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division and The Department of Social Services Child Care and Education contracts the LACCD Child Development Centers to provide subsidized services to families based on ranking, who are income-eligible, show a need for services and meet the priority guidelines.  Family fees determined by our Funding Terms and Conditions or Los Angeles Community College District may apply.  Application are received on a continuous basis!

License and Funding:

Los Angeles Southwest-CDC is licensed through the Department of Social Service Community Care Licensing 
License # 197408649-Infant Toddler, License # 191870900-Preschool, License #191805372-School Age (currently inactive).

The California Department of Education, Early Care and Education Division (Preschool- California State Preschool Program-CSPP) and The Department of Social Services-Child Care and Development Division-General Child Care and Development-CCTR) contracts the LACCD-LASC Child Development Center to provide early education services and resources to families meeting the need and eligibility requirements.  We provide high-quality learning opportunities to children and also offer free breakfast, lunch, and snack to all children enrolled through the Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP).

Application, Ranking Process, Admission

A completed inquiry card and inital applcation for ranking are to be submitted to the CDC to be considered for service/enrollment. An Incomplete application may delay processing. The documents to be submitted are noted with the application and please adhere to what is requested. Ranking, admissions priority and enrollment is based upon the Funding Terms and Conditions of The California Department of Education, Early Education, Department of Social Services Early Care Division and Los Angeles Community College District.  Upon availability or periodically, families will be notified of an open space(s) in a classroom, please respond within seven (7) days, failure to respond will result in enrollment delay as additional contact will be made with the next family on ranking waitlist.  

We look forward to working with you and you family.

Young children learn best....

  • through developmentally appropriate experiences
  • when chilldren are an active participant in their own learning experiences
  • when positive relationships are built and maintained
  • when adults understand relationships are esential to the childs learning experience
  • when each child is allowed to bring and display their own special uniqueness
  • when each child's uniqueness is honored and respected 
  • and when the learning experiences are meaningful and relevant to the child's life

We believe quality early education is the foundation that prepares children for lifelong learning. This is best accomplished in an environment which promotes self-espression, creativity and supports the development of self-control and mutual respect.  Faculty use family input, the latest reseach and best practices to provide developmentally, linguistically and culturally appropriate experiences for young children and families.  Meaningful play experiences are maintained between a balance of structure and spontaneity which help children expand their curosity and self-control, as they master age-appropriate tasks and gain a better understanding of the world that surrounds them.

In accordance with EC8723, families will be assessed a flat monthly fee at the time of initial certification and only be reassessed when a family recertifies or when the family data file is updated due to a change in status. Fees will be assessed and collected in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5CCR) Section 18109. Subsidized fees are pre-determined by CDE and CDSS and are based on a sliding scale determined by family gross income and family size.  Subsidized fees are determined by the Los Angeles Community College District.  



State Subsidized

Free (or) as determined by State Family Fee Schedule

LACCD Student
(if family over State income guidelines)

Monthly: $560 - $840
Yearly: $6,440 - $9,660

(if family over State income guidelines)

Hourly: $7 - $11
Monthly: $980 - $1,540
Yearly: $11,270 - $17,710

Child Development Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 7:30AM - 3:00PM
Fridays: 7:30AM - Noon
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Child Development Center, Room 121


Marcella McKnight-CDC Program Director
Email: mcknigmd@LASC.EDU
Phone: (323) 241-5000