
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 12/11/2024

Abraha, Aster

Aguet, Deborah

Aguirre, Rosa

Ahmadpanah, Seyed

Alfred, Tangelia

Alvarez, Juan

Amin, Colette

Amorin, Cassius

Amos, Gail

Anderson, Kevin

Anderson, Tasha

Apenahier, Leonard

Arauza, Angelica

Arms, Stephanie

Arnold, Christopher

Arnold, Dyan

Arrieta, Hector

Arroyo, Robert

Atkins, LaTanya

Azhand, Hasib

Baker, Porschia

Barajas, Blanca

Barcos, Carolina

Bartels, Denice

Beacham, Felicia

Becerra, Rocio

Berger, Rodnette

Billingslea, Nekeya

Biteng, Chona

Blanks, Misty

Bohn, Jeffrey

Bowe, Jocelyn

Bowman, Marc

Bowman, John

Brach, Eric

Bradford, Lawrence

Bradley, James

Brennan, Michael

Brinson, Lashawn

Brown, Dean

Brown, Richard

Brown, Nedra

Brumfield, Aaron

Bruton, Muniece

Buggage, C. Rhune

Burchard, Ewa

Burrus, Stephanie

Butterfield, Yana

Byley, Rahmani

Camacho, Juan