School Counselor Advising an Adult Student.

Consumer Information

Consumer Information

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In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC). Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it can be obtained.

Academics and Educational Policies

About the Institution

Academics and Educational Policies

Upon satisfactory completion of requirements, students may earn the Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Science Degree, Associate Degree for Transfer or a Certificate of Achievement. For more information about all academic programs including requirements, view the latest college catalog, explore the Academics pages, or go to a counseling office.


Admission to LASC is open to high school graduates, individuals with a high school equivalency certificate (GED), or anyone 18 years of age or older and can show evidence of being able to benefit from instruction. All inquiries concerning the application, admission, and registration should be sent to Los Angeles Southwest College, Office of Admissions and Records, 1600 West Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, CA 90047-4899.

Applications for admission with detailed instructions are available from the Office of Admissions and Records and on the college’s website at Click on the “Apply Online” link.

An application must be submitted if a student is:

1. A new student entering LASC for the first time and who is not a current student at a sister campus,
2. A returning (former) student who did not attend LASC or a sister campus for the prior fall semester or spring semester,
3. A student in grades K-12 enrolled in a public or private school who is seeking special admission


The in-person orientation will introduce you to LASC, our policies and procedures as well as give you an overview of the different resources and support services as well as a campus tour that is available for your success. Check the posted schedule at the Assessment and Training website for dates, room locations, and times. Students may also complete the Online Orientation by visiting


LASC offers a self-paced computerized assessment placement test. Students receive an assessment summary that may be used to select their courses and to plan their educational and career goals. Course recommendations are advisory and should be discussed with a counselor. The Assessment and Testing Office provides services to complete the Prerequisite/Co-Requisite Challenge Exams and course prerequisite/co-requisites clearances. The center offers Accuplacer for English and math placement “Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)” non-credit courses. This test will measure the student’s grade level in Language, Math, and Reading. This is not a pass/fail test. This is a timed test. Testing is available through department referral. Please see the Assessment and Testing Office for further information.

Assessment Testing Policy

All students that have taken the Assessment test will be allowed to retest once a term, not to exceed four times a year; as long as they have not completed a course in either the corresponding Math or English course sequence. All test scores are valid for two years. Please be prepared as retesting policies are strictly enforced and are subject to change. Assessment placement results from other California Community Colleges are accepted within the last two years.


After participation in the Assessment placement process, students will meet with a counselor and receive an abbreviated student educational plan. All students should meet with a counselor during the semester to develop a comprehensive student educational plan. All students who have not declared an educational goal and students who are enrolled in pre-collegiate basic skills courses are highly encouraged to meet with a counselor to develop a student educational plan.

Follow-up/Early Alert

Early Alert provides mid-semester evaluation and feedback of a student’s academic progress, according to their classroom instructors. Referrals to support services are made when needed or requested. Student Success Center workshops are offered throughout the semester.


Exemption from the Matriculation process (Orientation, Assessment, and Counseling are:

  • You have already earned an Associate degree or higher (proof of degree required).
  • You are only taking one class (not math or English) for personal enrichment or job advancement.

If either of the above applies to you, visit the Admissions and Records Office in Student Services Building (SSB), Room 102, to request an exemption from the matriculation process (ie. Orientation, Assessment, and Counseling)


Only students who have been admitted to the college and are in an approved active status may attend classes. Students should attend every meeting of all classes for which they register. To avoid being dropped from a class, students should contact the instructor when they are absent for emergency reasons.

Students who are pre-registered in a class and miss the first meeting may lose their right to a place in the class, but the instructor may consider special circumstances. Whenever students are absent more hours than the number of hours the class meets per week, the instructor may, but is not required to, drop them from the class. In addition, the instructor will consider whether there are mitigating circumstances that may justify the absences. If the instructor determines that such circumstances do not exist, the instructor may exclude a student from the class.


Students wishing to drop one or more classes must do so through the Student Information System at

It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a class through the website or in person. Students must drop by the end of the second week of semester-length classes to avoid fees. Any drops or exclusions that occur after the no-penalty drop date (under last day to drop without a “W”) and up to 75% of the time the class is scheduled will result in a “W” on the student’s record, which will be included in the determination of progress probation. Withdrawals are not permitted beyond 75% of class meeting time. A grade (A, B, C, D, F, P, INC, or NP) will be assigned to students who are enrolled past the last day to drop even if they stop attending class, except in cases of extenuating circumstances. After the last day to drop, students may withdraw from the class upon submitting a petition that demonstrates extenuating circumstances and after consultation with the appropriate faculty.

“Military withdrawal” occurs when a student who is a member of an active or reserve United States military service receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses. Upon verification of such orders, an “MW” may be assigned at any time after 30% of the time the class is scheduled to meet. No notation (“W” or other) shall be made on the records of a student who withdraws during the first 30% of the time the class is scheduled. Enrollment fees will be refunded with military withdrawals. Military withdrawals shall not be counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations, nor are they counted in the three attempts to take a course.

Course Repeats

Course Repetition To Improve Substandard Grades

The Board of Governors adopted regulations that limit apportionment for enrollment in a single credit course to three enrollments, with specific exemptions. Enrollment occurs when a student receives an evaluative (A-F, N, NP, CR, NC) or non-evaluative (W) symbol, pursuant to Title 5, Section 55023. Limits set forth in this new regulation will affect students based on all prior course enrollments. Students will only have three attempts to pass a class within the Los Angeles community college district (LACCD). If the student gets a “W” or a grade of “NP” or “F” in a class, that will count as an attempt. Students with three or more such records of enrollment will not be allowed to repeat the course within LACCD, but can take the course outside of the district. Students may, however, petition to repeat a course a third time within the district (subject to certain conditions) due to extenuating circumstances such as the significant lapse of time, military withdrawal, etc.

Exemptions to this policy include courses identified as “repeatable” such as kinesiology and performing arts in accordance with Title 5, Section 55041, subdivision (c), but do not apply to enrollment in all other credit courses. Students may repeat courses in which substandard grades (“D”, “F, “NC”, or “NP”) were awarded in LACCD. No specific course or categories of courses shall be exempt from course repetition. This policy only applies to courses taken at colleges within the Los Angeles Community College District. Courses completed through the provisions of Board Rule 6704 Credit by Examination may not be used to remove a substandard grade. Other institutions may differ. Students planning to transfer to another college should contact the institution regarding their policy. The LACCD Chancellor, in consultation with the District Academic Senate, may adopt regulations to limit course repetition within specific programs.

First and Second Course Repetition To Improve Substandard Grades

Upon completion of a repeated course, the highest grade earned will be computed in the cumulative grade point average and the student’s academic record should be so annotated.

Third Course Repetition To Improve Substandard Grades

A student may repeat the same course for a third time provided the student has:

1. Received three substandard grades for the same District course,
2. Filed a petition that states the extenuating circumstances are the basis for the petition for the third repeat. “Extenuating circumstances” are verified cases of accidents, illness, military service, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.
3. Had the petition approved by the College President or designee. Upon the completion of the third repetition, the grade used in computing the student’s cumulative grade point average shall be the highest grade earned, and the student’s record will be so annotated. The three lower substandard grades will not be used in the computation of the grade point average.

Petitioning To Repeat A Course A Third Time

Petition to Repeat a Course a Third Time accompanied by appropriate documentation must be filed no later than the published deadline for the term during which the student wishes to repeat. The deadline is published each fall and spring semester in the Schedule of Classes. To be eligible to file a Petition to Repeat a Course a Third Time, at least one regular semester (Fall or Spring) must have elapsed since receiving the third substandard grade. A committee will review petitions and students will be notified of the outcome. Petitions to Repeat a Course a Third Time are available in the Office of Admissions and Records and the Counseling Center. If approved, a student must obtain an Add Permit from the instructor once the semester begins and submit the Add Permit to Admissions and Records for processing.

Course Repetition: Special Circumstances

Repetition of courses for which substandard work has not been recorded shall be permitted only upon advance petition of the student and with the written permission of the LASC President or designee based on a finding that circumstances exist which justify such repetition. In such repetition under special circumstances, the student’s permanent academic record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible. Grades awarded for repetition under special circumstances shall not be counted in calculating a student’s grade point average.


Los Angeles Southwest College has a full array of Title IV programs and California State Programs. Financial assistance may include grants, loans, federal work-study, LASC Foundation scholarships, as well as privately supported scholarships.

Terms and conditions of the Title IV, HEA loans students receive [34 C.F.R. § 668.42(a)(4)]:

If you decide to take out a loan, make sure you understand who is making the loan and the terms and conditions of the loan. Student loans can come from the federal government or from private sources such as a bank or financial institution. Loans made by the federal government, called federal student loans, usually offer borrowers lower interest rates and have more flexible repayment options

Contact information for Obtaining Financial Aid Assistance

Prospective or enrolled students who have questions about obtaining financial aid should call Los Angeles Southwest College's Financial Aid Office at (323) 241-5338. For information about office hours, visit the Financial Aid Office website.

Eligibility for Financial Aid

To receive Federal and most State financial aid, an applicant must:

  • Be a U.S. Citizen or an eligible non-citizen (permanent resident, resident alien, refugee, asylee); NOTE: State of California programs may have a less restrictive residency requirement for non-U.S. citizens;
  • Be enrolled at Los Angeles Southwest College;
  • Be officially enrolled in a degree, certificate, or eligible transfer program in a declared major at an LACCD college;
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress, according to financial aid policy;
  • Have financial need as demonstrated through an application on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
  • Not be in default on a Federal student loan or owe a repayment on a Federal student grant;
  • Have a high school diploma, a GED (General Equivalency Diploma) or their equivalent, or demonstrate an ability to benefit from a college education by passing the required Department of Education approved ‘Ability to Benefit’ test offered by the Assessment and Tutorial Center;
  • Be registered with the Selective Service (unless not required to register);
  • Supply an accurate Social Security Number and name;
  • Provide all documentation requested by the financial aid office.

Need-based and non-need based federal and state financial aid

Los Angeles Southwest College has a full array of aid programs. Some are need-based and some are non-need based as determined by the information provided and verified on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

How eligibility for need-based aid is determined and how need-based is awarded

Students are packaged for financial aid (given financial aid from several of the programs for which a student is eligible) based on the student’s financial need. Financial need is determined by a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC is computed from information provided on the FAFSA) as compared to LASC’s Cost of Attendance (COA). Those who have a positive number remaining after the EFC is subtracted from the Cost of Attendance may qualify for some need-based aid sources. To meet federal regulations, LASC defines the neediest students as those whose EFC = $0.

How and When Financial Aid will be Distributed

There are two financial aid disbursements per semester. In order to received disbursements, a student must select their preferences with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:

National Student Loan Data System

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student financial aid records. Federal loans disbursed to students or parents will be submitted to NSLDS and will be accessible by guarantee agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. Student and parent borrowers can track and manage their federal student loans and grants online at the National Student Loan Data System website. The secured site displays information on loans and grants, including amounts, outstanding balances, and status. Student and parent borrowers can also find contact information for their loan servicer.

Terms and Conditions of Direct Loan Deferments

Information regarding the various deferments available to student and parent loan borrowers is available at the Department of Education website. The information is located under “Managing Repayment” and then click on “Trouble Making Payments?”

Terms of Loans Received, Repayment Schedules and Repayment

Generally, borrowers will have from 10 to 25 years to repay their loan, depending on the repayment plan they choose. The loan servicer will notify the borrower of the date the first payment is due. If a repayment plan is not chosen by the borrower, the borrower will be placed on the standard repayment plan, with fixed monthly payments for up to 10 years. Repayment plans can be changed at any time by contacting the loan servicer. Information about standard repayment, extended repayment, graduated repayment, income-contingent repayment (not available for parent PLUS loans), and income-based repayment can be found at the Department of Education website under “Managing Repayment”. Click “Repayment Plans & Calculators”.

Loan Entrance Counseling

The Federal Government requires first-time student borrowers to complete loan entrance counseling to ensure that the student borrower understands the responsibilities and obligations they are assuming. In order to provide the required comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s responsibilities, first-time student loan borrowers at Los Angeles Southwest College are required to complete entrance counseling.

Loan Exit Counseling

All students who received a loan must complete a Mandatory Online Loan Exit Counseling Workshop. The loan exit counseling will provide valuable counseling and important information regarding repayment, deferment, and default prevention. Please visit the National Student Loan Data System website to conduct an online exit counseling.

Private Educational Loan Disclosures

Any student applying for a private education loan at Los Angeles Southwest College must complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form with the college in order to ensure that all waivers and grants are available to the student, as well as to encourage students to make use of low-interest loans available through the Department of Education (subsidized if eligible). Student borrowers are counseled to compare the terms and conditions of the Department of Education loans with the terms and conditions of private education loans to determine the more favorable borrowing option. Upon request, LASC will provide the self-certification form for private education loans required under Sec. 128(e)(3) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1638(e)(3) and the information required to complete the form, to the extent that Los Angeles Southwest College possesses the information.

Pell Grant

Details on Pell Grant recipients and completers can be found below:

Academic Year Definition

An “Academic Year” is defined as the Fall Semester through the Spring Semester of the following year. Winter and Summer terms are considered “Intersessions.”

Career Transfer/Pathway and Jobs Center

The Transfer Center offers a variety of services, including transfer workshops, university application assistance, educational plans, and annual Transfer Fairs. At LASC, you can complete your freshman and sophomore equivalent coursework, then transfer to the college or university of your choice as a junior. After using resources of the Career/ Transfer Center, students will have awareness of transfer services, they will be able to identify universities that offer their major, they will be able to successfully complete CSU/ IGETC requirements. Also, students will be able to identify UC and private institutions of interest and demonstrate the use of the online university application systems and will have awareness of transfer deadlines.

Distance Learning/Online Learning

List of all programs that are offered at the LASC campus is available in our catalog.

Materials that explain the faculty role in regards to interaction with students in distance education courses:
LACCD Administrative Regulation E-89


Information on the college’s faculty and instructional personnel is available in the college’s catalog. Contact information for current faculty can be found in our faculty directory. For additional information, please contact LASC's Human Resources at 323-241-5283 or visit Annex of the Cox Building on LASC's campus at 1600 West Imperial Highway.

Gainful Employment (Certificate Programs Only)

Disclosures related to programs preparing students for gainful employment [34 C.F.R. § 668.6(b)].

For a comprehensive list of all programs (both certificates and degree programs), visit the LASC Programs Page


Students can access each semester’s book list through the college store. Book information is listed as it becomes known through the submission of book orders from faculty. The book list is subject to substantial change prior to, and throughout, the course of a semester.

Student Right-To-Know refers to the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-542), which requires colleges and universities to participate in federal financial aid programs to disclose information about completion and transfer rates. The intent is to provide prospective students a statistic of comparable effectiveness that they can use to determine their college of choice.

– more about the Student Right To Know Act

Completion/Graduation Rates

LASC's completion and graduation rates can be viewed at LASC Student Success Score Card


Graduation and retention rates for student-athletes
Graduation and retention rates are available to student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when interest in intercollegiate athletic participation is made by the student. LASC does not offer financial aid to students based on athletic ability. For information on graduation and retention rates or student success programs for student-athletes, please contact the Athletic Director.

Equity in Athletics Survey

Equity in Athletic Discourse

As part of federally mandated Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men’s and women’s sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public. For more information or to receive a copy of the report, contact the Athletic Department or you can find the data on the Department of Education’s website.

FERPA Information

[34 C.F.R. Part 99, § 668.41(c)]


Academic Dishonesty

Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper, or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade.

Board Rule 9803.28 Academic Dishonesty

Cost of attendance (including estimates of tuition/fees, books, and supplies) can be found at Business Office.


For full-term courses: The student will receive a full refund up to the end of the second week of classes. There will be no refunds after that unless the student must drop a class because it is canceled or rescheduled by the college. After the second week of classes, the student may drop a course and use the fee to add another class. Therefore, we advise the student to drop and add at the same time. After the second week of classes, there will be absolutely no refunds even when the class added has fewer units than the class dropped. It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes.

For short-term courses: The student will receive a full refund up to the end of a period of time equal to 10 percent of total class time. There will be no refunds after that unless the student has to drop a class because it is canceled or rescheduled by the college.

Non-Resident Tuition Refund Criteria and Schedule: A non-resident student who formally drops or otherwise separates from part or all of his/her enrollment may request a refund of previously paid non-resident tuition in accordance with the schedule below. Such a request must be made in writing on a form provided by the college. The date used for non-resident refund purposes is the date the request is filed and time-stamped, regardless of when separation may have occurred. All non-resident refunds will be made by mail.

Contact the Financial Aid Administrator or the College Financial Administrator for specific information regarding refund calculations for financial aid recipients.

Return to Title IV

Students who receive federal financial aid and then withdraw from ALL approved classes at their financial aid processing school may have to repay some or all of the federal funds they received.

A student’s eligibility for financial aid is based upon their enrollment. The Higher Education Amendment of 1998 governs the Return to Title IV Funds Policy for a student who completely withdraws from a period of enrollment (i.e., semester). These rules assume that a student “earns” aid based on his/her semester enrollment. “Unearned” aid, other than Federal Work-Study, must be returned. Unearned aid is the amount of federal financial aid disbursed that exceeds the amount the student has earned. Unearned aid may be subject to repayment.

During the first 60% of the semester enrollment, a student earns aid in direct proportion to the length of time of his/her enrollment. The percentage of time the student remained enrolled is the percentage of aid for that period for which the student earned his/her aid. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point of the semester enrollment has earned all of his/her aid for the period.

If a student owes a repayment, the student will be notified by email. The repayment may include institutional charges. The student has 45 days from the date of the notification to repay. A hold will be placed on the student’s academic and financial aid records. The hold will prevent the student from receiving college services and will jeopardize future financial aid eligibility. Unpaid overpayments will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education for collection.

It is advised that the student contact the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from all of his/her classes so the student understands the results of his/her actions. Please refer to the college schedule of classes or the college catalog for the policy regarding the refunding of enrollment fees and nonresident tuition.

Services and facilities available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities [C.F.R. § 668.43(a)(7)]:

Disability Programs and Program Services (DSPS) provides a variety of academic support services to students with disabilities. The department's goal is to provide students the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of college programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations.It is the Los Angeles Community College District's policy to ensure that all ADA-compliant building entry doors function as intended. For more information about the facilities and services available to students with disabilities.

Accreditation Links

Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC)is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior College, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd. Suite204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education.

Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions.

The LASC Accreditation Steering Committee oversees and manages all accreditation and ACCJC-related matters including internal and external reporting on current accreditation status.

Net Price Calculator
This calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as an estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, books and supplies and other related expenses — minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.

Net Price Calculator

Transfer of Credits Policies
Board Rule 6701.10
Acceptance of Pass Credits.

All courses and units used to satisfy LACCD curriculum requirements, including graduation requirements (Chapter VI, Article II, LACCD Board Rules), educational program requirements (Board Rule 6708) and transfer core curriculum requirements (Board Rule 6600), shall be from accredited institutions unless otherwise specified in this Board Rule.

For purposes of this Board Rule, an “accredited institution” shall mean a post-secondary institution accredited by an accreditation agency recognized by either the U.S. Department of Education or the Council on Post-secondary Accreditation. It shall not mean an institution “approved” by the California Department of Education or by the California Council for Private Post-secondary and Vocational Education.

Courses that have a grade of “C- (C minus grade)” do not satisfy any LACCD curriculum requirement that requires a grade of “C” or higher.

Copyright Information

Higher Education Opportunity Act/Peer-to-Peer – (HEOA P2P) compliance implementation (Illegal File Sharing):
Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to civil and criminal liability. Civil liability for copyright infringement may include payment of monetary damages to the copyright owner. Criminal penalties for copyright infringement may include fines up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to ten years. Students who violate the District’s computing facilities usage policy (LACCD Administrative Regulation B-28) may also be subject to college disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion.

College Bookstore – ISBN
See LASC Bookstore

Textbook Information
See LASC Bookstore

Student Body Diversity
LASC regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Follow these steps to access this information:

  • Go to the IPEDS College Navigator,
  • In the “Name of School” box type Los Angeles Southwest College,
  • Click on the Los Angeles Southwest College link that appears.


[34 C.F.R. § 668.53]

If your application has been selected for verification, you will be required to provide additional documentation. Refer to your campus Financial Aid Office for pertinent deadlines. Failure to meet deadlines may result in the denial of financial aid.

Students can check their financial aid file status(and complete the verification process or download the appropriate forms) from theLACCD Student Information System (SIS).

The Financial Aid Office may request additional documentation based on the information submitted on your financial aid application such as:

  • Federal tax transcripts, wage, and income (W‐2) transcripts, and/or proof of non‐filing
  • Verification of untaxed income and benefits
  • Verification Worksheet
  • Other documents as needed to verify your application or situation
  • Verification requirements apply to all federal aid programs and the state Cal Grant program.

Availability of Employee for Dissemination Purposes
Noncredit Adult and Continuing Education Services


Vaccination Policy

There is no district-wide vaccination. The nursing program has a vaccination requirement imposed by clinical providers.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

[HEA Sec. 120, 34 C.F.R. Part 86]

LASC provides workshops and awareness sessions through the Student Health Center and the Student Services division as student-sponsored and college-sponsored activities during the school year.


Clery (Campus Security Act)

The annual Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Report is available in the annual Clery Report. Timely warnings, which alert staff, faculty, and students whenever a serious crime takes place on campus and the suspects are at large leaving a potential risk to the college’s employees, students, and guests. Staff, faculty, and students would be alerted by campus-wide email as well as notices posted on building entrances campus-wide. Additional information, including the daily crime log, can be found at the Sheriff's Station on the LASC campus.

Title IX Information

In addition to complaints being filed by students or employees, complaints may be initiated by other individuals or entities, such as a family member, representative, organization, or other third party wishing to file on behalf of an individual or group alleged to have suffered unlawful discrimination or harassment.

Missing Person Notification

Law Enforcement may release your protected health information if asked to do so by a law enforcement official, for example, to identify or locate a suspect, material witness, or missing person or to report a crime, the crime’s location or victims, or the identity, description, or location of the person who committed the crime.

– from 2009 HIPAA Privacy Notice PDF (LACCD) – Page 2

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

This policy is based upon the federal and state laws that require the District to notify students and employees that the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of illicit drugs and alcohol is prohibited in the workplace and on college premises. Students, faculty, and staff that violate this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination or expulsion, and may also face civil and/or criminal penalties. The abuse of alcohol and drugs can have serious health consequences and there are Local Counseling and Rehabilitation Program references available as well. Further information about these items can be seen in the appendix to the below policy.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

Information to be included in drug prevention materials for students and employees:

A school must provide the following in its materials:

  • Information on preventing drug and alcohol abuse;
  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the school’s property or as part of the school’s activities;
  • A description of the sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  • A description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs available to students and employees;
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol; and
  • A clear statement that the school will impose sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct (consistent with local, state, and federal law) and a description of these sanctions, up to and including expulsion, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution.

Distribution of Materials to All Students and Employees

LASC may include this information in publications such as student or employee handbooks, provided that these publications are distributed to each student and employee. Merely making drug prevention materials available to those who wish to take them is not sufficient. The college must use a method that will reach every student and employee, such as the method used to distribute grade reports or paychecks. The school must distribute these materials annually. If new students enroll or new employees are hired after the initial distribution for the year, the school must make sure that they also receive the materials.

Financial Aid Office

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays Remote Only: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, Room 104
LASC Federal School Code: 007047

Appointments required for virtual and in-person options.
Live and Virtual Appointments


Muniece Bruton, Financial Aid Manager
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5338
Fax: (323) 241-5463
LASC Employee Directory