School Mural

Free Speech Areas

Free Speech Areas

Learn About Free Speech On Campus

The Student Speech Area and Free Speech area are accessible and available for expressive activity. Learn more below:

For information on the free speech areas and campus access (Administrative Regulation B-38), visit here.

Education Code Section 76120 requires the Board of Trustees to adopt rules and regulations relating to the exercise of free expression by students upon the premises of each Community College campus. This section requires that these rules and regulations include provisions for the time, place, and manner for conducting free speech activities. The Board of Trustees has delegated to the Chancellor the responsibility for developing and implementing the required free speech rules and regulations on each LACCD campus.

The Chancellor, or his/her designee, shall work with each College President to identify campus areas available for student expressive activity and to develop the required time, place and manner regulations applicable to the exercise of free expression by students. In addition, the College President at each College shall identify a portion of his/her college campus as a Free Speech Area(s), and develop appropriate regulations to govern the use of such area(s). The identified Free Speech Area(s) is/are areas available to all persons for First Amendment activities, including the distribution of free literature or materials, and obtaining petition signatures.

The purpose of these regulations is to foster free speech, assembly, and other expressive activities, while addressing the need of each Community College campus to make necessary arrangements to assure that such activities do not interfere with the College's mission and operations or with the rights of others. Accordingly, these regulations are intended to facilitate peaceable assembly, the expression of ideas and opinions, and the distribution of materials, while ensuring the safe, orderly and peaceful flow of College business and activities.

Each campus shall have copies of this Administrative Regulation, copies of the campus time, place and manner regulation, and copies of the campus map identifying the FSA(s) and areas available for student expressive activity on hand at all times. Copies of this Administrative Regulation, the campus map, and the campus regulation shall be provided to persons seeking to use these areas.

Office of Student Services

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, Room 209


Dr. Tangelia Alfred, Vice President, Student Services
Phone: (323) 241-5298
Phone: (323) 241-5424