Dream Resource Center

Welcome to the Dream Resource Center!

Los Angeles Southwest College's Dream Resource Center embraces and celebrates diversity in all its forms and aims to be a resource for undocumented immigrant students and their families. We want to empower and support you to achieve educational and personal success.

Undocumented Student Action Week is October 14-16, 2024.

Visit the full story and learn how you can get involved.

Dream Resource Center flyer with office hours for heart to heart space for students

Dream Center Live Chat

More about the Dream Resource Center:

At the Dream Resource Center, we can offer you many services including:

  • Academic Counseling - You will have access to our incredible counselors who can talk with you about:
    • Career options and recommend careers that match your interests and skills.
    • Arrange your class schedule and create an education plan
    • Advice on student support services to succeed in college.
    • They are your resource! So, talk with them about life, school, work, or whatever is on your mind.
  • California Dream Act and AB 540 Affidavit Application Assistance
  • Receive FREE individual counseling at LASC’s Student Mental Health Services
    • Addressing academic, emotional, developmental, social, relationship. or other personal issues.
  • California Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB540 Affidavit) Application Assistance – allows you to pay in-state or resident tuition.
  • Residency Status Questions
    • We offer workshops and one-on-one counseling services to keep you up-to-date on all of the legal matters you need to know about.
  • Enrollment and Registration Assistance


Immigrants Rising is committed to serving undocumented communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They put together this list of resources to help undocumented immigrants navigate the crisis.

The state Chancellor's Office has created this tip sheet.

We are committed to providing resources for you to continue your education, and scholarships are a great way to get money for college! Take a look at all of the opportunities available to you:

  • My Undocumented Life provides up-to-date information and resources for undocumented students.
  • The Maldef Scholarship Resource Guide provides an extensive list of scholarships, including many that do not inquire about immigration status.
  • Immigrants Rising Download a list of Undergraduate Scholarships that don’t require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency. This up-to-date list, organized by the deadline, contains scholarships at the local, state and national levels.

Step 1: Apply to LASC today! Step 2: Submit a Dream Act Application (CADAA) Contact the Dream Resource Center if you need help applying.

  • The LASC School Code is 0074700
  • The priority deadline is March 2nd

Step 3: Complete an AB 540 affidavit (also known as a California Nonresident Tuition Exemption)

  • Submit it
  • to Admissions and Records Office, Room 102, SSB
  • with your official High School Transcripts or High School Equivalency Certificate

Step 4: Develop Your Student Education Plan with a college academic counselor or one of our Dream Center counselors to help you achieve your goals. Step 5: If you do not meet AB 540 guidelines, visit us to explore other options

The Undocumented Ally Training is a network of Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC) faculty, staff, managers, and students that are committed to providing support, education, and understanding to our LASC undocumented students.

To be an Ally, you must attend a three-hour training that includes the following:

  • Overview of history, laws, and policies affecting undocumented students
  • Review of statistics on the undocumented student population
  • Provide information about resources for undocumented students on campus
  • Reveal the lived experiences of undocumented students
  • Discuss and practice what it means to be an ally to undocumented students
  • Opportunity to connect with other LASC community members to share ideas on supporting undocumented students

Are you interested in getting FREE immigration legal assistance through Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)? CHIRLA is offering FREE immigration legal services for the LASC Dream Resource Center every other Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Click here to schedule your appointment.

If you would like to find out about more services, please email us at @email.

Los Angeles City College
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 343-4367
Website: https://www.lacitycollege.edu/Resources/DACA/Department-Home

East Los Angeles College
Email: @email
Phone: (619) 701-6420
Website: http://www.elac.edu/Student-Services/Dream-Resource-Centers

Los Angeles Harbor College
Email: @email
Phone: (213) 761-8976
Website: https://effectiveness.lahc.edu/student_services/dreamers

Los Angeles Mission College
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 833-3599
Website: http://lamission.edu/dream-center/home.aspx

Los Angeles Pierce College
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 869-4563
Website: http://www.piercecollege.edu/students/drc/

Los Angeles Southwest College
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5051/5052
Website: www.lasc.edu/services/dream-resource-center

Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
Email: @email
Phone: (213) 763-5552
Website: http://www.lattc.edu/drc

Los Angeles Valley College
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 778-5998
Website: www.lavc.edu/drc

West Los Angeles College
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 287-4310
Website: http://www.wlac.edu/Undoc/index.aspx

CSU Dream Centers

CSULA Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 343-4367

CSUN EOP Dream Center
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 677-7069

CSUDH Toro Dreamers Success Center
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 243-2782

UCs Dream Centers

UCLA Undocumented Student Program
Phone: (310) 206-2980

UCI Dream Center
Email: @email
Phone: (949) 824-6390

UCR Undocumented Student Program
Email: @email
Phone: (951) 827-2193

LASC Dream Center Counselors Roxana M. Guzman Cholan and Dulce I. Marquez Ortiz

Dream Resource Center

Office Hours and Location

In-person: Monday - Tuesday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and Wednesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Online only: Thursday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

Closed: Friday - Sunday


Student Services Vice President
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5051

Student Services Building, Room 116