Welcome to the Puente Project
The Puente Project is a national award-winning transfer readiness program co-sponsored by the University of California and the California Community College Chancellor's Office. The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to succeeding generations.
The program is a joint venture between the English and Counseling Departments.
Puente Eligibility:
- Eligible for ENGLISH 101 (Fall) or ENGLISH 103 (Spring)
- Plan to transfer to a university
- Make one-year commitment to all Puente Project components
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
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Puente Project Benefits
- You take a year of English and Counseling classes with a curricular focus on Latinx / BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Literature and experience.
- You are matched with a professional from the community who will share their knowledge and experience with you.
- You experience cultural activities, assist your community and develop leadership skills.
- You meet frequently with your Puente counselor to develop and monitor an educational study plan and for personal/career counseling until you are ready to transfer.
- You take educational field trips to universities each year and attend an annual statewide Puente Student Conference.
Puente Courses & Ongoing Advisement
- Phase 1 (Fall): English 101 & Counseling 40
- Phase 2 (Spring): English 103 & Counseling 20
- Phase 3 (Continuous until Transfer): Ongoing advisement with Puente Counselor