Students in Classroom Taking Notes

K-12 Students

Jump-start your college experience

Are you a K-12 student who is interested in taking classes at a community college? Los Angeles Southwest College classes can be a great way for K-12 students, especially those in high school, to take more challenging courses and prepare for college.

LASC is fully committed to offering college programs for high school students of unparalleled quality. This enhanced program will take full advantage of the academic and community-oriented faculty and staff has to offer. You will receive:

  • College Credit
  • Free Tuition
  • Free Parking Permit

All K-12 students, with the exception of Middle College High School students, must complete the Dynamic Form application, which is available below. Please check the calendar section in the class schedule before applying to see deadlines for submission and available classes, including early and late-start classes.

K-12 Registration Process

Steps to Apply

How to Participate in Concurrent and/or Dual Enrollment

Access the online application on CCCApply

Most applications are processed within 48 hours of being submitted, sometimes applications may take up to 10 business days to be processed.

Once the application is processed, students receive an email with their LACCD Student ID number. Students should check the email address they provided on their application for an email from: This email sometimes inadvertently goes into spam, make sure to check the spam folder as well.

If a student already applied to LASC for a previous course and has an active ID, then they do not need to apply again.

Sign and Submit the K-12 Form via Dynamic Forms

Once the student receives their student ID number (which will start with 900), they will need to complete a Supplemental Application for Students in Grades K-12 (often called a K-12 Form) via Dynamic Forms. 

Students must complete all sections of the K-12 Form in Dynamic Forms including:

  • Counselor/Principal’s Email Address: Under "High School Information" students will enter their high school counselor’s first name, last name, and email address.
    • After the student digitally signs the K-12 Form, it will automatically be sent to the high school counselor.
    • The high school counselor must indicate if the student is a returning or first-time student. If the student is new to dual enrollment, the K-12 Form will be sent to a parent/guardian for a digital signature.
  • Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: Students will include their parent/guardian’s email address. The K-12 Form will be emailed to the parent/guardian of first-time dual enrollment students for their digital signature. The parent/ guardian will receive an email with instructions to create a Dynamic Forms account and sign.
    • Returning dual enrollment students do not need to obtain a parent/guardian signature, but they should still add their parent/guardian information to the K-12 Form.

After all digital signatures are collected, the K-12 Form will be sent to the Office of Admissions & Records at Los Angeles Southwest College for processing.

Once the K-12 Form has been processed by Admissions & Records, the student will receive an email from @email notifying them the form was processed.

  • New K-12 Form Required for Every Term and Course: A new K-12 Form must be submitted for each term the student wishes to enroll at Los Angeles Southwest College. If students wish to add classes not listed on their initial K-12 form, they will need to submit another K-12 form.
  • K-12 Form is LACCD Campus Specific: The K-12 Form is specific to each LACCD campus. For example, students cannot submit the K-12 Form to Southwest College and enroll in a class at Harbor College. Students will need to submit another K-12 Form to Harbor College.
  • Enrollment Limits are District-wide: The K-12 Form allows the student to enroll in up to 11 units in the Fall/Spring semesters and 9 units in the Summer/Winter intercessions. Students enrolling at multiple LACCD Campuses should be aware that units are totaled District wide.
  • Students are Not Automatically Added to Classes on the K-12 Form: The form simply allows the student to enroll themselves in classes for which they were approved to enroll.

Enroll through your

Once the K-12 form is cleared, the student is able to enroll.

 Watch a video tutorial on

If you have any other questions, please email *please note, this email account will not be able to process a K-12 form or check on the status of a form. To check on the status of a form, the student must visit the online Admissions Live Chat to speak with an Admissions representative*





Office of Student Services

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, Room 209


Tangelia Alfred, Vice President, Student Services
Phone: (323) 241-5298
Phone: (323) 241-5424