Admissions & Records FAQs

Group of Graduated Students

Get Answers to Your Questions about Admissions

Review the questions below. If you still have questions, please contact us to help answer your questions.

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  • You can apply to LASC anytime! Check out our Academic Calendar to find out when our Summer, Fall, Spring and Winter terms begin for the current academic year.
  • Applying to LASC is quick and easy! Go to LASC's Get Started webpage to discover how easy it is to apply for admission.
  • You should receive an email from Admissions & Records explaining how to register for classes within 48-72 hours after submitting your application.

Need help? Stop by LASC’s Admission & Records Office, Room 102, Student Services Building. We have computers you can use where staff members can help you.

Contact us by email and let us know. Make sure to include your full name, date of birth, and when you submitted your application. We’ll research what happened to it and get back to you. If you don’t receive a response from us after two business days, call us at (323) 241-5321.

As long as you remain a student at LASC, you do not have to reapply each semester. However, if you skip two semesters or more, you must officially reapply in order to get an appointment to register.

If you are a high school student and want to take classes at LASC, you must apply every semester.

Yes, you will need to reapply. But, as you know, applying is easy! Get started and we are excited to have you back on campus!

Yes! There are two ways you can go to LASC as a high school student.

  • You can enroll in a class or two at LASC while concurrently being in high school. This is called concurrent enrollment. Find out more about concurrent enrollment.
  • You can apply to enroll in Middle College High School where you will go to high school at LASC, taking high school and college courses to get a head start on college by earning college credits, certificates and degrees while still in high school.

You should get an email from LASC’s Admissions & Records Office within 48-72 hours letting you know how to register for classes.

If you do not receive this after 72 hours, please contact us to let us know. Please include your full name, date of birth, and when you submitted the application. We’ll research what happened and get back to you.

Congratulations! If you are the first person in your immediate family to go to college, you are a first-generation college student, and there are definitely support services you can use to help you reach your academic goals.

  • First, make an appointment with an academic counselor and let them know. They can let you know about the many different support services LASC offers to help you succeed.
  • Find out if you qualify for Extended Opportunity Programs and Services or our TRiO Scholars which can give you benefits, such as book vouchers, priority registration, additional academic and transfer counseling, transfer assistance, supplemental instruction for math and English, workshops, and more.
  • Make sure to apply for financial aid. By completing one application, either the FAFSA or the CADAA, you can confirm if you qualify to get free federal and state money to go to college.
  • There are scholarships dedicated to first-generation college students, such as the First in Family scholarship and many others. Ask a counselor, review our scholarships page, and do an online search for all the others out there.
  • LASC offers you many support services to make sure you reach your academic goals, such as peer tutoring, child daycare, transitional courses to improve writing and reading, flexible class schedules so you can take classes online, evenings, weekends, and during the day.

  • Admission is when you are accepted into a college. Having admission to a college allows you to register for classes. We have an open admissions policy which means we accept almost everyone who applies. Check out our Get Started webpage to discover how easy it is to apply for admission.
  • Registration is choosing which classes you want to take. To register for classes, you have to first submit an application. You will receive an email from Admissions & Records within 48-72 hours explaining how to register for classes online. Remember, your registration is not complete until you pay for your tuition and fees. Only after registering for classes and paying tuition and fees are you considered to be enrolled in LASC.
  • If you have questions about registering, give us a call during our office hours at (323) 241-5321, or visit our Admissions Live Chat.

  • Compared to a four-year university or college, it’s hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars less!
  • You can find out exactly how much tuition and fees cost from the Business Office.
  • Make sure to review all of our financial aid, scholarships, and financing options we have. You could even get money for going to college that you don’t have to pay back.

Yes. The student health fee is not health insurance, but a fee required of all students who register for on-campus classes to give you basic health services through our Student Health Center, while you are at LASC.

You don’t need a Social Security Number to apply or to register for classes. The one place you will need a Social Security Number is if you plan to apply for federal financial aid.

If you are an undocumented student, visit our Dream Resource Center webpage for more information on how you can apply. If you are undocumented, you are considered an out-of-state student. But, you could qualify for a tuition fee-waiver if you meet the qualifications under a law called Assembly Bill (AB) 540. This law allows qualified undocumented and out-of-state students to have their out-of-state tuition fees waived at public colleges and universities in California.

You can get class information in three different places, and they are all free and online:

  • LASC Course Catalog is the main document you need to plan your studies here at LASC. It lets you know what courses you need for your major, gives a description of each course, and has all of LASC’s policy and procedure information. Use the catalog from the first year you started attending LASC to get information on what courses you need for your major unless your academic counselor advises otherwise.
  • LASC Class Schedule is where you will find which classes are offered during a specific semester, along with other scheduling information, such as when and where the class is offered, and who the Instructor is for the class.
  • Student Information System also has class schedule information so you can find the classes you need to coordinate it with your schedule.

  • For Fall and Spring semesters, you are considered full time when you are enrolled in 12 or more units. Half time is considered 6-11 units. If you have less than 6 units, you are considered less than half time.
  • For Summer and Winter terms, you are considered full time when you enroll in 6 units.

If you don’t remember or don’t know your student ID number, you may visit the Admissions & Records Office during our office hours, and you must show a valid picture ID. You may also log in to our Admissions Live Chat during our virtual lobby hours, you must enable your camera, mic, and have a valid picture ID available to show.

Figuring out residency is a complex process.

You are considered a California resident if you are present in this state on more than a temporary or transient basis for 6 months or more in a 12-month period (CVC §516) and/or California is the state where:

  • You are registered to vote.
  • You are gainfully employed. Military personnel is not considered gainfully employed in California, even if they also hold a civilian job.
  • Your place of business is located.
  • Resident tuition is paid at a public institution of higher education.
  • Dependents attend a primary or secondary school.
  • Homeowner's property tax exemption is declared.
  • Property is leased for use as a residence.
  • The residence is declared to obtain a license, privilege, or benefit not ordinarily extended to a nonresident.
  • Your current driver's license was issued.
  • You are determined to be a resident as evidenced by acts, occurrences, or events that indicate the presence in the state is more than temporary or transient.
  • If you submit your request by mail, please include a money order for $3.00 per copy. Your first two copies are free if you have not ordered official transcripts since summer 2017. You may only request your two free copies via mail. If you use Parchment, you must include payment

If you still have questions after reading the information, please contact us or log in to our Admissions Live Chat to help you with the process.


There are a couple of ways you can find out which classes you need for your major or program of study:

  • Find your program in the Course Catalog. It will list all of the classes you will need to take for a specific degree or certificate.
  • Talk with your academic counselor who can help you choose which classes you need to take on a timeline that works for you so that you can meet the requirements needed to earn a degree or certificate.
  • You can also talk with your counselor about what kind of program is best for what you want to do. We offer associate degrees and associate degrees for transfer, certificates of achievement and skill certificates.

Be advised: Tuition is regulated by the state of California and is subject to change without notice.

If you have completed a prerequisite course at another college, submit an unofficial transcript or report card contact the LASC Counseling Department.

If you took at Advanced Placement test or another exam that would meet the requirements of a prerequisite, please review the Credit by Examination section in the current Course Catalog for our policies on which exams we accept along with their qualifying scores, as well as the procedures you will need to follow depending on which exam you want to have considered for qualification.

  • To Add an Online Class that isn’t closed after classes begin, and before the deadline to add a class:
    • Send an email to the instructor using your LACCD SIS email account and format the email in the following way:
      • Add Online Class Request for Fall 2020, Biology 5, Section #10233
      • Full Name
      • Student ID Number (i.e. 881234567)
      • I, (Your Name), request to be added to (Name of Class, Section Number). Thank you!
    • Subject: Add Online Class Request for (Term), (Course Name), (Section Number)
    • Body of Email: Include your:
    • If the instructor approves your request to add the class, they will email you back with a permission number.
    • Use the permission number to add the class to the Student Information System. You will be asked for the permission number (Permission Nbr) when you try to add the class.
    • If you cannot be added due to fees, holds, unit limits, etc., contact the Admissions Office at (323) 241-5321.

    You will not see the class in your Canvas portal until the day after your add is processed.

  • You are responsible for dropping any class you do not wish to attend and need to make the first step by dropping your unwanted class either online on the Student Information System or at Admissions & Records (SSB, Room 102).
  • Never assume you will automatically be dropped from a class if you do not attend.
  • IMPORTANT: Remember to drop classes by the Drop Class deadlines listed in the Academic Calendar in the Schedule of Classes. If you should miss this date, we recommend making an appointment with your academic counselor as soon as possible to discuss your options.

You can drop a class online or in-person at Admissions & Records, SSB, Room 102, during our office hours.

Keep in mind, you are responsible for knowing all of the deadlines to drop a class is for each term you are enrolled in classes. Visit the Academic Calendar or Schedule of Classes to find when the Drop a Class deadline is.

To drop a class online, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the LASC homepage and click on Register for Classes. This
will lead you to the Student Information System (SIS).

Step 2: Log into the SIS with your Student ID Number or SSN. You must also enter your PIN. Remember, your default PIN is your birthday month and date, for example, January 15 = 0115.

Step 3: On the SIS menu, click on the yellow tab that says "Registration."

Step 4: You must select your college – Los Angeles Southwest College – along with the semester and year.

Step 5: In the “Action” drop-down box, select “Drop.”

Step 6: Enter the section number of the class you want to drop. If you do not know the section number, you can find it by using the tab named "View Schedule" to review your classes.

Step 7: Click “Submit.”

Step 8: Once the system has dropped the class you wanted to be removed from your class schedule, you will get a confirmation number.

Make sure to keep this number as proof you dropped the class.
You can use the "View Schedule" tab on the right menu bar to confirm the class is dropped from your class schedule. If it was successfully dropped, there will be a date in the Drop Date column next to the class you dropped.

To add an online class, or to find out what to do if you are on the standby list for an online class, please visit the Student Information System for more information.

If you are on a standby list to add a class, you must attend the first day of class if you want to have a chance of getting into that class. The instructor for the class may add students to the class starting with the first person on the standby list (typically number one on the list) until the class is full.

Keep in mind, if you are registered for a class and do not show up for the first day of class, you can lose your spot to someone who is on the standby list or who is there to ask the instructor for permission to add the class.

You do not need to drop standby listed classes from your schedule because you are not officially enrolled in the class, nor are you charged tuition for it; however, you must add the standby listed classes and pay for them before the Add a Class deadline to receive credit for the class.

  • To find out if a course has a prerequisite, corequisite, or is recommended, go to the Course Catalog and Schedule of Courses where the Course Descriptions show the enrollment requirements of Prerequisite, Corequisite, or Recommended right below the course name. When you are registering for classes online via your Student Information System look at the top of the course description to find if it has any qualifications.
  • A prerequisite is typically a set of skills or a body of knowledge you need to have before you are able to enroll in higher-level courses or programs. Without these skills and/or knowledge, it is thought you would be highly unlikely to succeed in that course or program.

If the academic information we have about you shows you do not have these skills and/or knowledge, you will not be able to enroll in this course until you get the knowledge and/or skill set needed for that specific course or program.

  • A corequisite is a course or program you need to take along with another course, as both courses being learned together provide the knowledge or skillset you can only get from taking them simultaneously, and that you would be highly unlikely to succeed by taking each one separately.
  • Lastly, a recommended course is a course or program you are advised, but not required, to take before enrolling in another course. In these courses, you will receive a set of skills or body of knowledge that will go into more depth about the subject, and that without which you would still be likely to succeed the course or program.

Keep in mind, if you have had previous experience or academic knowledge and would like to challenge the prerequisite requirement in order to bypass it, please find the section on the Prerequisite Challenge Process in the Course Catalog for more information.

You are able to receive a full refund as long as you drop all of your classes via your Student Information System account before the Drop a Class deadline. This deadline is listed in the Schedule of Classes for each semester, term, and short-term courses. We recommend reading over the Enrollment Fee Refund Policy in the Course Catalog for more information.

  • We highly recommend making an appointment with your academic counselor before dropping all of your classes. They can connect you with different support services that could help you make attending school a reality.
  • And, if you’ve taken out financial aid, it’s very important to make an appointment with a Financial Aid Representative to make sure you know if you will owe any funds back.
  • You are able to receive a full refund as long as you drop all of your classes via your Student Information System.

account before the Drop a Class deadline. This deadline is listed in

the Schedule of Classes for each semester, term, and short-term courses. We recommend reading over the Enrollment Fee Refund Policy in the Course Catalog for more information.

  • You will need to submit a Refund Request to the Business Office.
  • You can find more information about LASC’s refund policy in the Enrollment Fee Refund Policy section in the Course Catalog.

  • If you are interested in taking a class where you want to learn more but do not want to receive credit or a grade for the class, auditing is a great way to enrich and expand your knowledge.
  • Here are the conditions in which you are allowed to audit a class:
    • Students enrolled in classes to receive credit for ten or more semester units shall not be charged a fee to audit three or fewer semester units per semester.
    • Auditing courses is $15 per unit. These fees are subject to change, so please check with the Business Office to confirm the per-unit amount.
    • Once paid, these fees are nonrefundable.
    • No student auditing a course shall be permitted to change his/her enrollment in that course to receive credit for the course.
    • Permission to enroll in a class on an audit basis is solely up to the Instructor’s discretion. Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students desiring to take the course for credit toward a degree or certificate. (Add this new sentence)

Find more information on auditing a course in LASC’s Course Catalog.

Grades & Transcripts

In 2017, LACCD transitioned from nine college specific transcripts to a single district transcript for all nine colleges. If you attended one or more LACCD Colleges since 1974 and beyond, all courses will appear on one transcript. Please place the transcript order at the last LACCD College you attended. If you completed courses at other LACCD colleges. The LACCD transcript will reflect both credit and noncredit courses completed at any of the nine LACCD Colleges.

The LACCD consists of the following nine California Community Colleges:

  • Los Angeles City College (LACC)
  • East Los Angeles College (ELAC)
  • Los Angeles Harbor College (LAHC)
  • Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC)
  • Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC)
  • Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC)
  • Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC)
  • Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC)
  • West Los Angeles College (WLAC)

Request a Transcript Online (Preferred Method)

To request a transcript online, you must pay the transcript fee using a credit or debit card. As of December 1, 2020, LACCD will use Parchment transcript ordering service. The Parchment transcript ordering service charges a $2.75 convenience fee to process an online order. Transcript processing time is 10 business days.

To order transcript through Parchment website:

  1. Visit the Parchment website.
  2. If you have never used Parchment ordering service before, click on New Learner Account.
  3. If you have used Parchment ordering service before, click on the Existing User Account.
  4. If you are a third-party ordering on behalf of the student, click on New Third Party Account.
  5. Read the information and carefully follow the instructions for ordering transcripts

To order transcript through student portal:

  1. Log on to the student portal.
  2. Click on "Academic Records"
  3. Click on "Official Transcript Requests"
  4. You are now on the Parchment transcript ordering website.
  5. If you have never used Parchment ordering service before, click on New Learner Account.
  6. If you have used Parchment ordering service before, click on the Existing User Account.
  7. If you are a third-party ordering on behalf of the student, click on New Third Party Account.
  8. Read the information and carefully follow the instructions for ordering transcripts.

You may track your transcript order at

Request a Transcript by Mail

To request your transcript by mail, download the Transcript Request Form (Please add link)
Alternatively, you may send a written request, with the following information (print clearly):

  1. Name
  2. Any other names (including spelling variations of your name/s)
  3. Social Security Number and/or college assigned ID number
  4. Mail all transcript requests to: College physical address
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Dates of Attendance (to the best of your knowledge)
  7. Number of copies required
  8. Address where transcripts are to be sent (Student is responsible for the correct address.)
  9. Your signature (Your request will be returned if your signature is missing.)
  10. Your current address and phone number

Payment by personal check or money order should be made payable.

IMPORTANT NOTES: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Transcripts can only be released to third party with an Authorization to Release Information Form signed by the student (per transaction).

The Office of Admissions and Records does not hold transcripts for grades, petitions, or graduation. It is your responsibility to ensure that all grades are posted, and any petition or grade appeal approved and noted on your record prior to submitting a transcript request.

The Office of Admissions and Records does not provide unofficial transcripts, as they can be viewed and printed by you from the student portal.

For Employers and Other Agencies:
Los Angeles Southwest College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree and enrollment verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse may be contacted at:


Phone: (703) 742-4200 Fax: (703) 742-4239

Email: @email

Mail: National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
(703) 742-4200

Online Student verification: Students can request verification of enrollment at the Parchment website.

Unofficial Transcripts are available online through your Student Information System account.

You can download and complete the Petition for Review of Grade (please insert link to form).

Please email the completed form to the Instructor of Record directly from your LACCD student email account. Your instructor will let you know if the original grade was correct or not. If it needs to be changed, your instructor will submit a Grade Change Request to their Dean for approval. contact Admissions & Records with that information.

Please contact us if you do not find the grade change in your transcript within two weeks of your instructor contacting you advising your grade should be changed.

If you disagree with a grade your instructor gave you, you can review the dispute process on our Grades & Transcripts webpage, or go to our Course Catalog for detailed information.

Admissions & Records

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 1:00PM and 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Cranium Cafe Live Chat
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, Room 102


Angela Torres, Registrar
Email: @email