Outreach & Recruitment
Want to be an LASC Cougar? We can help you get started!
We can help answer all of your questions about what LASC has to offer, how to enroll and what you'll need to do to start your journey as an LASC Cougar!
LASC's Outreach and Recruitment Office helps new students and potential students learn all of what LASC has to offer, and assists them through the enrollment process. Our focus is to inform high school students, our local K-12 partners, and the community at large about all of LASC's incredible programs, opportunities, and services. We work closely with local high schools and education centers, as well as give campus tours and orientations, and work with community leaders to promote and elevate LASC. We can help you transition into college life and direct you to any of our extensive support services so you can get the most out of your time at LASC and succeed in your academic goals.
The Los Angeles Southwest College Outreach and Recruitment team offers:
- One-on-One Application Assistance
- FASFA Application Assistance
- Promise Program Application Assistance
- EOPs Application Assistance
- Dynamic Form Application Assistance
- How to Navigate Student Support Services to be a successful student at LASC.
Send us an email at @email to schedule an appointment.
- Let LASC Be Your Place To Be. Learn more.
- Follow our seven steps to matriculate
For more information about the latest updates to programs and services at LASC, visit this link.
Are you a K-12 student who is interested in taking classes at a community college? Los Angeles Southwest College classes can be a great way for K-12 students, especially those in high school, to take more challenging courses and prepare for college. Take a moment to fill out an application.
Our New Student Orientations are typically one-hour long and designed to give you important information that you’ll need to be a successful first-year student. Our orientation is mandatory as it discusses academic strategies for college success, how to get financial aid, how to use the Class Schedule and Course Catalog, how to register for classes, and much more! If you have any questions about our New Student Orientations, please contact our office by calling (323) 241-5325 or emailing @email.
If you are a high school counselor or community member looking for LASC’s Outreach Office to participate in your college or job fair, please contact our office by calling (323) 241-5325 or emailing @email. We can also provide you with detailed information on how to help potential students enroll in LASC and navigate the free enrollment process. We look forward to working with you!
Request a Los Angeles Southwest College Representative to present on any of the following:
- LASC Information Presentation
- Promise Program Application Process Presentation
- Financial Aid Presentation
- K-12 Dynamic Form Application Presentation
- EOPs Application Process Presentation
- Classroom Presentations
- Advisory Period Presentations
- Parent and Student Workshops
- College & Career Fair Presentations
Learn about different degrees and certificates based on your interests by checking out our Program Pathways Mapper: https://programmap.lasc.edu/academics.
Students will show confidence in their ability to succeed in college after participating in Outreach & Recruitment workshops and one-on-one staff interactions.