Admissions & Records Contacts
All of us who work in Admissions & Records want to make sure you get the help you need when you need it for all of your admissions, registration, transcripts, graduation evaluations, and enrollment questions.
if you couldn't find your answer there, contact us! You can email @email or call us (323) 241-5321, and we will happily respond to you during our office hours.
You can also talk to an A&R Assistant through our Admissions Live Chat during our office hours.
Find the person who has the section of the alphabet that has the first letter of your last name. There are Admissions & Records representatives to help you with Admissions, Registration, Transcripts, Verifications, and Graduation Evaluations.
Admissions & Records Contacts
Aguilera, Layla Admissions, Registration, Transcript, Verifications
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5465
Admissions and Records Assistant
Arnold, Christopher (Alphabet G - L) Admissions, Registration, Transcript, Verifications
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5440
Admissions and Records Assistant
Arnold, Dyan (Alphabet L - Z) Graduation Evaluation
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5442
Admissions and Records Evaluation Technician
Becerra, Rocio
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5444
Admissions and Records Supervisor
Brown, Dean (Alphabet M - R) Admissions, Registration, Transcript, Verifications
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5443
Admissions and Records Assistant
Covarrubias Zavala, Rene (Alphabet A - K) Graduation Evaluation
Phone: (323) 241-5322
Admissions and Records Evaluation Technician
Kelley, Holly (Alphabet A - F) Admissions, Registration, Transcript, Verifications
Phone: (323) 241-5042
Admissions and Records Assistant
Paniagua, Oscar (Alphabet S - Z) Admissions, Registration, Transcript, Verifications
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5445
Admissions and Records Assistant
Torres, Angela
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5323