
Facets - Directory V2 - AZ

*Note: Directory data is from SAP. Please contact your college Personnel Office or ESC HR for updates.
For more info, visit the Directory section of our "College CMS Training Guides" on the Employee Intranet.
Data last updated: 02/21/2025

Apenahier, Leonard

Austin, Neffetiti

Bowman, Marc

Cranon-Charles, Angela

Crenshaw, Gabriel

DuBry, Travis

Duran, Dolores

Elenes, Angela

Embry, Gina

Flowers, Elizabeth

Ford, Bettye

Fraga, Mike

Grebler, Gillian

Harris, Michael

Haynes, Susan

Howard, Tamura

Jimenez, Javier

Jones, Maisha

Katz, Steven

Lee, Sandra

Mattson, Gregory

McAlpin, Chaka

Meena, Dalton

Moreno, Elynar

Placher, Katherine

Porter, Pamela

Robert, Lance

Robinson, Picolya

Saafir, Rasheed

Scott Stafford, Jessye

Smart, Bobbie-Lee

Soto, Jaime

Thornton, Shantel

Tucker, James

Venable, Aynjellia

Ward, Henry

White, Stephanie

Wilson, Katrin

Wright, Kristine

Ybarra, David