Welcome to the Mathematics Department
From roses to Egyptian pyramids, there are patterns that hold answers about how our world works. Math is an important tool that is used to help find those answers. Studying math and computer science will help develop logical thinking skills, analytical skills, and your imaginations.
Through LASC’s Mathematics Department, you can earn degrees in mathematics and computer science. We offer the full spectrum of courses, such as Statistics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations to help you meet your educational goals.
Math Lab
Are you a bit confused about math? Need some extra help on your math homework? Come to the Math Lab in person or online! Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors are available to assist you in any math level. No appointment is needed!
In-person services: TEC Building Room 185
Register here for online services: https://ilearn.laccd.edu/enroll/34H68G
Fall Semester 2024
Tutor: |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Professor Christina Watson
11 am - 6 pm | X | X |
Professor Lelisa Dera
X | 11 am - 6 pm | X |
Professor Vardanush Hovhannisyan
X | X | 11 am - 6 pm |

There are plenty of opportunities to thrive with a career in Math and Computer Science. Check out the list below of all of the degrees you can earn at LASC along with just a few of the many careers you could pursue.
Click on any program link to find out more information on what these careers pay on average, how much school you'll need, and what courses you'll take at LASC:
Mathematics - Associate in Science for Transfer, Associate in Arts
Careers: Business Analyst, Statistician, Database Administrator, Actuary, Computer Systems Analyst, High School Teacher, Energy Analyst, Purchasing Agent, Fraud Investigator, Meteorologist
Computer Science - Associate in Arts in Mathematics
Careers: Computer Programmer, Applied Science Technologist, Financial Analyst, Game Developer, Computer Animator, Robotics Engineer, Cyber Cryptographer, Algorithm Engineer
You can also explore Salary Surfer for more careers in these programs.
Math is the link that helps us understand and explain our world by proving or disproving the theories we make about it. It gives us the ability to find and repeat patterns and encourages us to see things from different points of view. It helps us solve puzzling questions about how things work so we can find answers in other areas. Used with computer science, math can unlock the power of technology to completely change how we interact with our world and with each other.
Reasons for studying Mathematics vary and can open many career doors after graduation. The potential job prospects range from software developer, teacher, nursing, computer science, astronomy, physics, engineering, economics, and finance to name a few.
Our supportive and engaging math instructors will help you through the basic fundamentals and show you ways in which math can be used in every area of life. Our perceptive computer science instructors will make sure you have a solid understanding of technology’s framework so you can use it as a foundation for years to come.
- Friendly interaction with instructors. LASC instructors are extensively involved in teaching our students. All full-time instructors have committed to teaching at least one transfer-level course in order to ensure success and adhere to the guidelines of AB705.
- At LASC, we are helpful and inclusive. LASC is small enough to provide personal attention, yet has all the opportunities and resources of a large institution.
- A valued degree. The Associates Degree for Transfer in Mathematics guarantees you will get priority consideration when transferring to a California State University.
Learning math and computer science will help you in any career you choose. Being able to think in an orderly, logical way allows you to solve problems faster and easier. It can help advance your career by being able to read and create charts and graphs, troubleshoot computer issues, and calculate probabilities, such as knowing how likely it is a certain product will sell in October versus July.
These skills get incredibly fine-tuned by studying math and computer science. When you’re able to use logical skills with mathematical equations, you can even use it in your personal life. You will be able to identify which product is the best when shopping for anything from socks to health insurance, and which political surveys and scientific studies have the best information so you know which policy to vote for or sunscreen to buy.
Having good skills in math and computer science will help you repair your laptop, balance your checkbook, shop smarter, and elevate your confidence in whatever you do.
Math Department Meeting Dates - Fall 2024
Math Department Meeting Dates – Fall 2024 (tentative schedules)
- Friday, TBA, 2024
- Friday, TBA 2024
- Friday, TBA 2024
*Note: All meetings will take place via Zoom.
Zoom meeting ID numbers will be emailed by the department secretary closer to the meeting dates.
Math Department Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes for the Math Department are below: