Code of Student Conduct

Student Discipline Procedures
Community college districts are required by law to adopt standards of student conduct along with applicable penalties for violation (Education Code Section 66017, 66300, 76030, and 76031).
The Los Angeles Community College District has complied with this requirement by adopting Board Rule 9803, Standards of Student Conduct, and 91101, Student Discipline Procedures. The purpose of LACCD Board Rule 91101 is to provide uniform procedures to assure due process when a student is charged with a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct. All proceedings held in accordance with this Board Rule shall relate to an alleged violation of appropriate standards of student conduct.
These provisions do not apply to grievance procedures, student organization councils, and courts, or residence determination and other academic and legal requirements for admission and retention. Disciplinary measures may be taken by the college independent of any charges filed through civil or criminal authorities, or both. Disciplinary action may include warning, reprimand, restitution, suspension, or expulsion from one or more classes, programs, activities, campus locations, or the entire district.
Standards of Student Conduct
Students enrolling in one of the Los Angeles Community Colleges expect that the faculty and administrators will maintain an environment in which there is the freedom to learn. This requires appropriate safety and learning conditions in the classroom, on the campus, and in off-campus activities and programs sponsored by Los Angeles Southwest College.
As members of the college community, students are encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment; to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth; and to exercise their rights to free inquiry and free speech in a responsible, non-violent manner. Students shall respect and obey civil and criminal law, and shall be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state, and nation. Student conduct must conform to the LACCD and Los Angeles Southwest College rules and regulations. Violations of such rules and regulations will subject students to disciplinary action.
Enrollment in a class may be terminated by the instructor for two class sessions (students are allowed to make-up missed work) due to unsatisfactory student conduct, undue disrespect toward an instructor or administrator, or academic dishonesty.
Campus Disciplinarian and Reporting an Incident
The Student Services Office in the Student Services Building, Dean, Dr. Ralph Davis serves as the LASC Disciplinarian. Please address questions pertaining to student conduct to Dean Dr. Ralph Davis at (323) 241-5261 or @email.
- Student conduct
- Time and place
- Course number
- Student Identification Number
- What was observed, said, or done by the student(s)
- What was observed, said, or done by the faculty/staff
- Any historical encounters or support services referrals directly related to the current incident(s)
Please contact the campus Sheriff’s Station (#3 on campus) if there is a current emergency or if you are concerned for your safety on campus. If you are unable to contact Dean Davis and need immediate assistance, please contact the Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Tangelia Alfred, at (323) 241-5298 and
- Students with complaints or grievances must first exhaust all procedures and appeals available.
- Los Angeles Southwest College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The Accrediting Commission receives complaints about substantive matters that are related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs.
Complaints must be written, signed, and addressed to the President of the Commission. However, the Commission investigates these complaints only when the complainant has exhausted all of the institution's own grievance and appeal procedures. For more information, see the Commission's Policy Statement and Complaint Form.
The Commission (ACCJC/WASC) will address concerns that are clearly related to an accreditation action taken by the Commission. However, the Commission is not a judicial or quasi-judicial body, and therefore cannot settle disputes between individuals and institutions, whether these involve students, faculty, administration, or members of other groups.
Examples of these would be a student's complaint about a grade received from a faculty member or a faculty member's complaint about his or her hiring or continued employment.
- Distance Education Statement: In compliance with new regulations, an institution offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints.
Cheating and Plagiarism: [Word] [PDF]
For Faculty/Staff: Dealing with Classroom Difficulties: [Word] [PDF]
Faculty/Staff Discipline Handout: [Word] [PDF]
Hearing Procedures: [Word] [PDF]
Student Conduct Form: [Word] [PDF]