Emergency Response Plan

Be Prepared For An Emergency!

Emergencies can come without warning at any time. Being prepared is the best way to handle these unexpected incidents and disasters. The information in the Emergency Response Plan is intended to cover most emergencies but it cannot anticipate every type of situation for every disaster scenario. Basic training for emergency response allows the college staff to react to disasters or emergencies with initial action. Use common sense when instructions are not given or direction is not available. Think before you act, then act swiftly to minimize your exposure to danger.

LASC's Emergency Response Plan has been designed to assist the Campus Community, College sheriff's personnel and the Director of College Facilities in the protection of life and property in the event of an earthquake, fire, explosion, or another emergency.

The Emergency Coordinators Manual provides a basic contingency plan for College Administrators and supervisors in case of campus emergencies. While this guide does not cover every conceivable situation, it does supply the basic guidelines necessary to cope with most campus emergencies.

The College policies and procedures are expected to be followed by all personnel whose responsibilities and authority cover the operational procedures found in this manual. It is also noted that there could be many unpredictable factors and this plan should be taken as a guide.

LACCD Emergency Response Plan

To read the Los Angeles Community College District and Los Angeles Southwest College's Emergency Response Plan, please click this link.

Student Services Vice President

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Cox Building, Room 143


Vacant, Vice President of Student Services