Student at School of Career and Technical Education

Guided Pathways

Career and Academic Pathways

Welcome To Guided Pathways! Transforming Lives Through Pathways

According to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCO), the Guided Pathways model creates a structured approach to student success. The major aims of Guided Pathways (GP) are to provide all students with a set of clear course-taking patterns that promotes informed enrollment decisions and to prepare students for future success.

The GP model integrates support services in ways that make it easier for students to get the help they need during every step of their community college experience.

Guided Pathways: Four Pillars

1. Clarify the Path - Clarifying Pathways to Student End Goals Create clear curricular pathways to employment and further education.

2. Enter the Path - Helping Students Enter a Pathway Help students choose and enter their pathway.

3. Stay on the Path - Keeping Students on Path Help Students Stay on their path.

4. Ensure Learning - Ensuring that Students are Learning Ensure that learning is happening with intentional outcomes.

Career And Academic Pathways

Meta Majors is the term that is used across California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. However, during our implementation of Guided Pathways, LASC has chosen to name our Meta Majors: Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs). CAPs are a collection of academic majors. CAPs are cluster groups of degrees and certificates that are similar from a student’s perspective. Our CAPs give students an opportunity for early exploration within a group of academic and career choices while ensuring students stay on their path towards graduation.

  • Arts, History and Language
    • More information here
  • Behavioral and Social Services
    • More information here
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
    • More information here
  • Health & Human Services
    • More information here
  • Non-Credit Adult and Continuing Education Services (NACES)
    • More information here
  • Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
    • More information here

Guided Pathways Executive Team is led by LASC full-time and Adjunct Faculty and Administration. Our team has representation from Academic Affairs, Student Services and Non-Credit Adult and Continuing Education Services. The Guided Pathways Steering Committee

Guided Pathways Executive Team - LASC Academic Senate 
Robert Stewart, Jr., MS 

Academic Senate President, Associate Professor of Biology 
Natural Sciences, Health and Kinesiology Department 

Guided Pathways Tri-Chairs 

Professor Darren Cifarelli, MS 

Academic Affairs, Faculty 
English and Foreign Languages Department 

Dr. Ralph Davis 

Dean of Student Services 

Dean Laura Perez 

Dean of Adult, Non-Credit, Continuing, and Community Education (NACES) 

Academic Affairs, Guided Pathways Faculty Facilitator 

Dr. Jessica Saint-Paul, DMSc, PA, MPH, MCHE
Adjunct Faculty
Natural Sciences, Health and Kinesiology Department

Student Services, Guided Pathways Faculty Facilitators

 Rhea Pitre, MS, MFT
General Counselor
Student Services Department

Guided Pathways Support Advocate

Chauncine Stewart
Executive Assistant, (Confidential)
Office of the President

Guided Pathways Career  Guidance Counselor Assistant (CGCA)

Darlene Coxaj
BA Liberal Studies: Spanish

Guided Pathways Career  Guidance Counselor Assistant (CGCA)

Gabriel Tarango Gonzalez
LASC Alumni, AA-T Business Administration 

Career Exploration Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Career Exploration Workgroup is. (1) To provide students with exploratory resources to aid in career exploration aligned with their CAP and to assist, educate, and inform students of career options. To connect and engage work industry to enhance curriculum and better prepare students for labor market and workforce success.

Lead: Damien Danielly

More information here

Clear Program Requirements Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Clear Program Requirement Workgroup is to ensure that students are clear on all requirements and course sequencing for all LASC degrees and certificates and to ensure students are clarifying and entering their pathway in the most efficient manner.

Lead: Rhea Pitre

More information here

Learning Outcomes Workgroup

The Learning Outcomes Workgroup is primarily responsible for the 4th Pillar in Guided Pathways: Ensure Learning. This Academic Senate driven workgroup is responsible in ensuring that students are learning, and that learning is occurring with intentional outcomes. This workgroup will assist in developing effective strategies for teaching faculty to ensure students are achieving their student learning outcomes (SLOs). The Learning Outcomes workgroup will work collaboratively with Professional Development, Program Review and the SLO Committees to provide supportive services for faculty teaching courses and t assist academic programs in achieving their SLOs and Institutional Learning Outcomes.

Lead: Dr. Jessica Saint-Paul

More information here

Onboarding Enrollment Management Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Student Onboarding and Enrollment Management Workgroup is to develop a clear comprehensive onboarding process for 1st time LASC students.

Lead: Kimberly Carpenter

More information here

Student Ambassadors Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Student Workgroup is to develop strategies to increase student engagement to fully support the development and implementation of Guided Pathways. The GP Student Workgroup is inclusive of all students representing the seven Career and Academic Pathways.

Leads: Dr. Jessica Saint-Paul Rhea Pitre

More information here

Student Success Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Student Success Workgroup is to support and amplify those voices seeking to increase student success to attain measurable improved student outcomes by collaborating and integrating with existing campus committees with similar goals, emphasizing metrics included in the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF).

Lead: Brandi & Robinson

More information here

Technology Workgroup

The purpose of the Guided Pathways (GP) Technology Workgroup is integral to the institution’s management and operation as well as academic programs, teaching, and learning. Access to quality tools and technology, especially in emergency situations such as a pandemic, will be beneficial to college’s operation and management, teaching and learning, and eventually completion of students.

Lead: Parisa Samaie

More information here

Guided Pathways host several events throughout the semester to engage students, faculty and staff across our seven Career and Academic Pathways and Student Services. Please feel free to look for an event coming to a Zoom near you!

Guided Pathways

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

School of Sciences, Room 104H


Erum Syed, Academic Senate President
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 241-5240
Fax: (323) 241-5476