Nursing Department
Nursing Department
Effective September 26, 2022, Los Angeles Southwest College Nursing Program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). This candidacy status expires on September 26, 2024.
Welcome to the LASC Nursing Department from Indiana McClellan (Nursing Program Director)
The Registered Nursing Program at Los Angeles Southwest College is designed to teach students to become competent nursing practitioners and to encourage continuing educational development of the student. This is a four-semester program, after completing the prerequisite courses. Upon completion of this program, students will receive an ADN and will be allowed to take the NCLEX licensing exam for the state of California to become a Registered Nurse (RN).
As a Registered Nurse, you play a critical role in people’s lives when they are at their most vulnerable. It takes an exceptional individual to be a nurse, and the Associate of Science Degree in Nursing program at Los Angeles Southwest College can provide you with the education and hands-on training you need to begin a rewarding new career as a Registered Nurse. The program offers a series of courses that combine academic classes on campus, skills practice in the nursing skills laboratory, and patient care experience in various hospitals and facilities in the Los Angeles area.
Registered Nurses (RNs) are the largest group among all health care occupations and among the top 10 occupations with the largest job growth according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. RNs routinely find jobs in a variety of different medical and health care facilities, including hospitals, HMOs, nursing and residential care facilities, medical clinics, physicians’ offices, outpatient clinics, schools, correctional facilities and more. For over fifty years, Los Angeles Southwest College Nursing Program has been teaching students in Southern California the skills they need to begin a new career in Nursing. The Los Angeles Southwest College Registered Nursing Program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN).
California Board of Registered Nursing
P.O. Box 944210
Sacramento, CA 94244
(916) 322-3350
Los Angeles Southwest College is in collaboration with other four-year Universities for students looking to earn associate degrees and transfer to four-year universities, including: All University of California (UCs) and California State University (CSUs), as well as others such as Charles Drew University (CDU), Grand Canyon University, University of Phoenix, Chamberlain University, etc.
Public Notice of Upcoming Accreditation Review Visit by the ACEN
Los Angeles Southwest College wishes to announce that it will host a site visit for initial accreditation of its Associate Degree Nursing Program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person at a meeting scheduled from 3 PM – 4 PM on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, in Room 127 (MPR) of the School of Career and Technical Education building (SOCTE) located at 1600 W. Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 90047.
If you are unable to join us in person, please use the zoom link below on the designated date and time mentioned above:
Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted to the ACEN via email at:
@email or to the ACEN office:
Attn: Accreditation Services
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta GA, 30326
All written comments should be received by the ACEN by September 23, 2024.
Nursing Program Data
Completion Rate, NCLEX Pass Rate, and Job Placement
2023-2024 | 57% | 100% | 100% |
2022-2023 | 47% | 79.31% | 100% |
2021-2022 | 79.07% | 100% |
Vision Statement
Transforming lives by continuously striving to provide excellent nursing education to meet the individual needs of the student and the health care needs of the community.
The LASC Registered Nursing Program provides students with a high-quality education in a learner-centered environment in collaboration with healthcare partners that leads to:
- An Associate Degree in Nursing and Licensure.
- An entry-level professional registered nurse who has the ability to utilize the latest health-care technology and implement current evidence-based practice.
- The acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) to provide safe patient- centered care that meets the diverse and changing health care needs of individuals, families and communities.
- A desire for life-long learning.
The Student Learning Outcomes include outcomes that are reflected of the six QSEN and four Massachusetts Nurse of the Future (MNOF ) integrating concepts to promote human flourishing and the development of nursing judgment, professional identify, and a spirit of inquiry.
The graduate of the LASC Nursing Program is able to:
- Evaluate nursing care provided to patients, families, and communities across the lifespan from diverse backgrounds in a variety of settings to ensure that it is compassionate, age and culturally appropriate and based on a patient's preferences, values and needs (Patient-Centered).
- Collaborate with members of the interprofessional health care team to manage
and coordinate the provision of safe, quality care for patients, families, and groups. (Collaboration)
- Demonstrate use of best current evidence-based and clinical expertise when making clinical decisions in the provision of patient-centered care (Evidence-Based).
- Use evidence-based information and patient care technology to communicate relevant patient information, manage care and mitigate error in the provision of safe, quality patient-centered care (Communication)
- Use evidence-based quality improvement processes to effect change in the delivery of patient-centered care.
- Demonstrate clinical reasoning and nursing judgement in providing patient-center care based on evidence in nursing science and technology in a variety of patient care settings (Safety).
- Use leadership, management and priority-setting skills in the provision and management of safe, quality patient-centered care (Leadership).
- Assimilate integrity and accountability into practices that uphold established regulatory, legal, and ethical principles while providing patient-centered, standard-based nursing care (Ethics).
- Provide health-related information to patients, families, and communities using varying teaching methods, which facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge and skills (Education).
- Model verbal and nonverbal communication strategies that promote an effective exchange of information, development of therapeutic relationships and shared decision making with patients, families, and communities from diverse backgrounds (Communication).
Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., Sullivan, D. T., and Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing Outlook Special Issue: Quality and Safety Education. Retrieved from ksas/ (Links to an external site.)
National League for Nursing (NLN) (2010). Outcomes and competencies for graduates of practical/vocation, diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate, master's, practice, doctorate, and research doctorate programs in nursing. New York, NY: Author
Massachusetts Nurse of the Future: Retrieved from
The philosophy of the LASC Associate Degree Nursing Program reflects the interrelationship between the (1) four central metaparadigms of nursing (person, environment, health, and nursing), (2) incorporates the core values and program outcomes of the National League for Nursing’s (NLN) Educational Competencies Framework and (4) integrates the competencies of the Quality and Safety for Educating Nurses (QSEN) and (5) Massachusetts Nurse of the Future (MNOF) competencies of communication, patient education, leadership, and professionalism.
While firmly based in science and the arts, the essence of nursing is caring and compassionate patient-centered care. Ethical standards, respect for individual dignity, and consideration of cultural diversity are implicit in the practice of holistic patient-centered care. The nurse advocates for patients, families, communities, and themselves in ways that promote self- determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings (human flourishing). Nursing care is provided in collaboration with the patient, the family and members of the health care team. The nurse displays a spirit of inquiry by examining evidence to improve quality of care, promote safety and improve patient outcomes. Nursing judgment is integral to making competent decisions related to the provision of safe and effective nursing care. Information essential to nursing care is communicated by a variety of technological and human means. The adoption of these key philosophical components fosters the development of the nurse’s professional identity.
The faculty is committed to excellence in the profession of nursing and quality education. Nursing education takes place in collegiate and community health care settings. It is a process whereby students learn from a theoretical foundation based upon the humanities and principles from the biological, physical, and behavioral sciences. The nursing program is based on the faculty’s beliefs about the central metaparadigms of the discipline of nursing; the person receiving nursing, the environment within which a person exists, the health-illness continuum within which the person falls at the time of the interaction with the nurse, and, finally nursing actions themselves.
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
343 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 850 Atlanta,
Georgia 30326
Phone: 404-975-5000
Fax: 404-975-5020
Website: in new window)
Accreditation Status: TBD
Accredited until: TBD
Next Visit: TBD
Initial Accreditation: Fall 2024
Board of Registered Nursing
1747 N Market Blvd,
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: 916-322-3350
Fax: 916-574-8637
Website: in new window)
Approval Status: Continuing (Full) Approval
Approved Until Fall 20??
Next Visit: September 27 -29. 2022
initial Approval : Fall 19??