Addiction Studies

Woman explaining to a Girl

Program Overview:

Help People Recover from Substance Abuse

With the epidemic of opioid and substance abuse deaths continuing to rise, careers helping individuals out of the cycle of dependency are also expanding. And, there is an increasing demand for knowledgeable professionals to help treat the growing number of people succumbing to addiction.

LASC has many programs of study that emphasize addiction, substance abuse, and chemical dependency, so you will have the knowledge and training to be successful in this invaluable and essential field. Talk with your academic counselor for which degree or certificate program would best suit your career goals in this expanding discipline.

Elizabeth Flowers
(323) 241-5458
Office Location
Student Services Education Center, Room 216
Office Hours
Mondays to Fridays: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Behavioral & Social Sciences

Behavioral & Social Sciences

Careers Involving Addiction Studies 

Courses focusing on Addiction Studies help to build your knowledge of how substance abuse cycles work, how to counsel individuals and groups who have had a chemical dependency, and how to help intervene and treat someone with a dependency.

Here are just a few careers and their salaries you could have with a background in Addiction Studies:

Career information below taken from December 2019. Go to for most current career information.

Provide treatment and advise people who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, or other mental or behavioral problems.

Data for Los Angeles/Long Beach/Anaheim

Typical Education Level: Salary: Hourly Median Wage:
Bachelor’s Degree $50,650/year $24.35/hour
Work Experience in a Related Occupation: Job Outlook 2018-2028 Number of Jobs 2018:
None needed 7% increase (as fast as average) 12,630

Coordinate and supervise social service programs and community organizations.

National data

Typical Education Level: Salary: Hourly Median Wage:
Bachelor’s Degree $65,320/year $31.41/hour
Work Experience in a Related Occupation: Job Outlook 2018-2028: Number of Jobs 2018:
Less than 5 years 13% increase (little or no change) 168,800

Assess and treat individuals with mental, emotional, or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drugs. Activities may include individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, case management, client advocacy, prevention, and education.

National data

Typical Education Level: Salary: Hourly Median Wage:
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work $61,570/year $29.60/hour
Work Experience in a Related Occupation: Job Outlook 2018-2028: Number of Jobs 2018:
None needed 7% increase (as fast as average) 5,670

Courses offered in Addiction Studies at LASC

LASC offers several Addiction Studies courses to support many of our degree and certificate programs, such as Social Services, Recovery Specialist, Psychology and Psychology of Substance Abuse, and many others. Go to LASC’s current Course Catalog for specific course information:

1 Understanding Addiction and Counseling (3)

Lecture: 3 Hours
This is a survey course on alcohol and drug use and abuse. The history, classification, and impact of psychoactive drugs are examined; topics dealing with prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug addiction are covered. Also, changing public policies and social attitudes on alcohol and drug abuse, as well as mental health and drugs, are examined.

4 Clinical Counseling Laws and Ethics (3)

Lecture: 3 Hours
This course deals with substance use/abuse, related theories and counseling techniques that raise awareness in order to bring about change in the chemically addicted individual. Family members and others affected by the addicted individual are also considered in terms of awareness, prevention, and treatment.

5 Group Skills for Addiction Counselors (3)

Prerequisite: Addiction Studies 10
Lecture: 3 Hours
This course is an introduction to the dynamics of group interaction with an emphasis upon the individual's first-hand experience as the group studies itself. Under supervision, the factors involved in problems of communication, effective Theory/Practices skills, and individual growth will be highlighted.

7 Addictions Treatment and Recovery (3)

Lecture: 3 Hours
This course deals with intervention, treatment and recovery issues in chemical dependency. Intervention issues covered include approaches to intervention, obstacles to intervention, and stages of formal intervention. The medical, behavioral, social, and family systems models of treatment, the Alcoholics Anonymous and the rational models of recovery, and various approaches to prevention are also discussed.

10 Addiction and the Family (3)

Lecture: 3 Hours
This course deals with chemical dependency and its dysfunctional impact on the family. Also, addiction, co-dependency and related topics are discussed.